I've been pretty good about being single these last couple of years. All of my friends know that I travel alone, do things alone, and just pretty much am a free person to do things that I love. My biggest trip that I did was Spain BY MYSELF(no program, no help except me) for three weeks. I survived and am very proud of what/where I went. It's just frustrating trying to find places that are cheap, safe, and adaptable for single people like myself. Everything out there is for couples or families. Nothing wrong with that- but if you find deals online- almost all of them say "prices for double occupancy"- aka for couples. Yes, I can invite friends/family- but most people (1) say they want to go but flake(trust me on this), b) don't have the time that I want to go out/don't have the vacation time, c) have someone else in their lives that prevent them from leaving them.
This is beginning to sound like a rant but it's more that it gets frustrating after a while. I love being in a relationship, don't get me wrong- but being single should be a little easier for those that want to be single. I almost feel like a handicapped person who is trying to find a bathroom that fits them. TOTALLY not the same thing(I admit) but sometimes I'm that frustrated. Even getting a table by yourself or going to a movie by yourself. Try it. It's a little weird but more weird getting the looks from the waiters/cashiers/etc. I've gotten over it to some degree but its a couples world out there for sure.
Other than that, it's been a relaxing week for the most part. Not having students yesterday(just an all day meeting), not having a lot of masters work, and just looking forward to the weekend is good. I'm even going to take a day off next week to go home to Fresno- whoo hoo. My sickness is getting better and I'm starting to appreciate things more as well. Ok- hope everyone had a good wednesday/thursday! :)
Because I travel so much, I often find myself in a distant city with nothing to do and no one to visit. I have dinners alone, often at very nice restaurants, and it used to be a little awkward.
Now, I've learned to just own it. I take a book or a newspaper (grab your Kindle!), walk right in, and ask for a table for one. I actually appreciate the reading that I get done, because I don't have to worry about conversation.
Sometimes I go to movies while on business trips as well. Though it's a little awkward to sit alone, and movies aren't quite as fun when you can't share them with friends/family/spouse, at least you can check them off your list.
I know there's a lot more to being a couple, and certainly I'd recommend it, but sometimes it's about enjoying the little things.
Thanks for the boost. I definitely have owned it and have done it for years now. I think in general it's about getting over what other people think and then going with who you truly are. I also think it's different for women than men. Traveling alone as a girl is a lot different than a man- safety issues and it's more 'odd' than a guy(thats just me). But, as you said, it's about enjoying the little things and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything!
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