Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Love for Target...

Today, I went to Target after school with a co-worker of mine because we both needed to get stuff. I love Target- or in other phrasing- Tar-jay. One of the best gifts I got was last year when I received a $250 dollar gift certificate and I used that card for a good 2-3 months just having a spending spree on myself for random stuff. 

Why do I/other people love it? It's called ONE-STOP shop. You don't have to go to a zillion places to find what you need and it's all relatively inexpensive. I've spent many hours of my life roaming the aisles just parusing. I've even had many intellectual talks with random friends and learn a lot from them when purchasing items together. I don't go as often as I used to- but I still make a good amount of trips. I'm lucky that I have three targets within a 5-10 minute drive of my house. I just have to decide which one to go to-hehe. 

I do want to send a shout out to Sports Authority today who gave a super deal on snowboarding pants. I have a snow bib that I bought like in middle still fits BARALY(my sister was shocked that I still had it). I had to suck in my stomach and I am just afraid that if I sit down or do something weird, it's going to split. So, I decided to go out and buy a new pair. Normally, snowboarding pants will run 80 bucks to 15o dollars. Today, I got mine for $60 bucks. Burton brand too(which is like the Nike of snowboarding). Granted, they were $130--> dropped down to $80, and I got them for $60. They are kinda not the best color- kinda poop brown- but, hey, I'm not making a fashion statement on the slopes quite yet. Just want to stay water-proof, warm, and comfy. Who cares what I look like, right? Poop brown for $60, I'll take it!! I'll wait for the two other 'cute' pairs/normal colors I saw/tried on for later for $100(more motivation to learn how to snowboard!). 

Ok- I'll TRY to post tomorrow night but I'm going to be really busy with events after school and packing for my trip. I'll be back from Tahoe on Sunday...we'll see if I have enough energy to post then. If not, I'll post Monday after my spa treatment. Oh, its going to be an awesome weekend. Let's all pray that I don't get any injuries like some of my friends have and just have an awesome time. Ok, hope everyone has a good weekend and gearing up for the inaguration on Tuesday! :) Nite! 

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