Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back on the Mainland/New Years Resolutions!

Yes, I'm back- 'free' internet and on the mainland. The effects of the cruise are lingering--> all of us are experiencing somewhat still feeling like we're still on the boat/feeling a little woozy. I'm going back to the bay tomorrow and back to the grind. I think the vacation- like all vacations- are about the 'reset' button and just getting perspective on life. I read a lot- slept a lot- and went snorkeling a good three times. 

So yes, its the New Year and now its all about the resolutions... the main one I want to achieve is going toward the good parts of the girl that I was in college- more put together and more self-confident. So it'll be rough- but I feel like its attainable to some degree. At least its not like, hi, lose 10 pounds and then the 1st sign of not going eating well/exercising- resolution over. 

I'm exhausted and I have a long day tomorrow... I'll be more coherent tomorrow! 

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