The GPS has REVOLUTIONIZED my life. I hardly go to Mapquest anymore. For non-believers, just count how many times you go to Mapquest and you'll see what I mean. For the travel girl in me, it's taken me to things that I would have never gone to. It has saved me in so many instances. Still not convinced? I went to Kauai last spring break. It was pouring rain and I just got into my rental car. With my handy dandy GPS in tow, the GPS found my hotel and I was on my way. No maps, no worries. I even called my mom in the pouring rain to check in and just tell her I was on my way to the hotel without even looking at a map.
Another instance was when I was in Austin and wanted to go to San Antonio. I have NO concept of Texas freeways...and oh yes, the GPS led the way to all the major attractions and I was just this ignorant girl who was just following the GPS. No cares, no worries. Even led me to this dive burger joint that was amazing and very Texas style.
Why a blog on my GPS? I've now spent a good 3-4 hours now updating my maps today on the GPS. It's a little ridiculous the time it takes to do this, but in the long haul it'll be worth it. I use it at least 2-3 times a week and this little guy has become my best friend in a lot of senses. If you know SF at all, yea--> saved my butt on more than one occasion. Parking structures, one-way streets, attractions, hotels- you name it- I've done it for SF. I've basically sold the revolution to many of my friends/family who have seen it in action and now they want one as well. I should get a new one because of all the GPS's I have sold(kidding).
Ok, it's late. I gotta catch up on zzz's. Today was such a productive day but I still have a lot of work to do before the weekend trip to Tahoe- which means that a) school(EC) needs to be done and then b) masters work as well. Too much going on, so little time. Hope everyone had a good hump day!
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