Thursday, January 8, 2009


I'm sure everyone has had those days when you know you have a lot of work to do and you just don't want to do it? That was me today. After work, I had all these aspirations to do all these things that are on my list of things to do- and nothing got accomplished. I just futzed on my internet and did absolutely nothing. Well, I did talk to two friends but other than that- just watched some TV clips on the internet, read a lot of articles, and basically kept yelling at myself to start. 

Once 9pm rolled around, I was like, COME ON- get a move on. And less than 30 minutes later, I was done. Yes, the two major important things took me 30 minutes. 6 hours of yelling at myself and it only took me 30 minutes. Sure, I wanted to get ahead on other things, but the two deadlines that needed to be done by tomorrow, I accomplished. I guess all that matters, right? 

I'm usually all about getting things done ahead of time, but I think today I just wasn't in the mood. I'm usually the one that has lesson plans/work/trips/etc planned out way in advance and I pride myself on that. I think I get that from my mom who does the same thing. Oh well- one day out of many in life where I'm not the go-getter. Maybe I need this weekend to re-energize and get things going again. Maybe its the weekend looming and laziness is stalking me. We'll see...

Ok- off to bed and pajama day is tomorrow so I can just roll out of bed and go to work. The perks of being a teacher- hope you all had a more productive day than I did...and didn't procrastinate. 

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