Two conversations I've had lately has had to do with drugs- as in the illegal ones. I've been a really good girl and never done any of the illegal ones. Most people are surprised at this fact because knowing my partying days at UCSD, I had many opportunities and never took it up. Just thought it was lame and never wanted to. The closest I came to it was (1) holding a cigarette for one of my sorority girls(nicotine), (2) having ecstasy in my hands when someone offered it to me as a 23rd birthday gift(I didn't take it). I even tell my students the story just so that they know that I was tempted, even held drugs, and yet, decided it wasn't for me.
One conversation I had with a good friend of mine is: Is it a deal breaker if the person you are dating is into pot or into drinking a lot more than normal? Now, that I'm in my thirties, I would like to think that people are out of the phase of experimenting and now can say, no thanks. So when I hear people doing pot/binging on alcohol in their late 30s--I'm like, um, are we 21 again? No judgement if you're in your 20s- hi, have fun- you're young... if you need to experiment, go do that(i didn't- but your choice is on you). Now, you're in your 30s, you have a good job(in schools no less)- is it still ok to do it? If everything else is aok in the relationship, is it a big deal? I think it would be a deal breaker because I wouldn't want it around me and just wouldn't say a lot about ethics about the person. But, who are we to judge about someone else's way of life?
Other than having conversations about drugs, I honestly am trying to get over the start of a cold and enjoying having a little 'breather' from work(masters and high school). I'm trying to figure out things for february(including valentines day)... we'll see how that goes. Ok, its getting late- bed is calling for me. Hope everyone had a good monday! :)
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