Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday Nights...

So, in the past, my Friday nights were a lot of clubbing, hitting the parties, and just hanging out with friends. Now, in my thirties, they have more become movie nights in, dinner/movies with friends, or happy hour after school. I really don't have the club girl in me anymore and by Friday, I'm exhausted. I even went to bed at 8:30pm last night- WTF. I guess I wasn't used to working and my body needed the rest I got when I was on the cruise. 

I'm off in two hours to go kayaking in Elkhorn Slough. Should be good times but its going to be really cold. Afterwards, going to hang out with my Argentina/Costa Rica girl. I met her in Argentina and realized that we were both from the bay and now we've been friends ever since- even go on trips together. Yes, very random and the fact that we're both teachers(she's a kindergarden teacher) is also fun to contrast high school to elementary. 

Anyways, I gotta get ready(eat/shower/etc) and get on my way. I'll write later, hopefully, but just in case this is my entry. I ran across two articles that were somewhat interesting: one was about how teachers are paid/not respected/debate that goes with that and the second one(the more fun one), was this white guy who went to India and decided to be a Bollywood extra. Here are the links: 

Hope everyone had a good Friday and a good start to the weekend! 

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