Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Things You Find in Odd Places...

Yes, its 12:30am and I'm still up... why? It's called "You play, you pay". One of my co-workers told me that when I told him that I went out last night and was exhausted- and so today, teaching was somewhat a fog. Thank God for solid lesson plans and knowing what to do in times like these. By 6th period, I felt like I was going to faint from exhaustion and needed to go home. I let my body nap- 3 HOURS later- i got up. So now that I'm rested- i'm up late- go figure. Hopefully, going to bed late won't do this to me tomorrow. 

Random story- today, I went searching in my car for parts of the charger for my GPS. Last night, I noticed that the charger wasn't working and after trying to to put it together(long story)- it still didn't work. Anyways, you know what i found? A) found a blue tooth headset that i thought i lost and was bitter that i had to pay another $40-50 bucks for another one(now, I have two headsets), and B) a found an apple. Yes, an, EWWW. old and meldewy. Now, anyone that has been in my car- it's pretty damn clean. No smell, no nothing. This apple was underneath my passenger seat for a LONG time- even though I eat GREEN apples everyday- this was an RED apple. Now, if i remember correctly- it might have came from my sister... or from a teacher's gift I got like the first day of school- GROSS. I guess apples don't smell when they rot. 

Random story- thought I would share. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll have more substance in my posting--> until then- me signing out. 

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