Yes, I'm one of those 'weird' people that likes to read for fun. Now a days, more and more people don't like to read because of the internet, video games, and TV, but I love reading if I have time and there is nothing to do. In my overwhelmed state of my head today, I decided to say "F-it" and read my Kindle. My Kindle, for those that don't know, is my new toy that I bought myself late October and now is somewhat an addiction. Basically, it's an electronic book that is linked with Amazon so that if you want to read a book- it wirelessly downloads it and within a minute, you have it. No going out to the bookstore, no dealing with parking/etc/lazyness. Also, the prices are usually less than 10 dollars and in the end, you save a lot money(even though you put up $300 bucks in the beginning).
Ok, now that I'm done with that advertisement, since October, two things that have peaked my reading interest. One- the Twilight series. I first heard of it through an old co-worker last year and she was pretty much begging me to read them. I was like, um, yea, not into vampire stories and it sounds weird. Then, my sister promoted it as well and then I was pretty sold since she knows what I like. Warning- once you read one, you will finish all 4-700 page books within a week- its that addicting. I think its the way she(Stephanie Meyer) writes it and how its such a great love story. I didn't like the film- but thats another story.
Another addiction for reading is Nicholas Sparks. You're probably like, who? He wrote "The Notebook", "Walk to Remember", "Nights in Rodanthe", and "Message in a Bottle". I can't get enough of his books. I've now read pretty much every one that he has written. I'm a sucker for a classic love story and anything that has to do with rights of passage. No, this isn't Harlequin romance stuff- if you've watched any of those movies, you know what I'm talking about. So, tonight I read "The Wedding" by him and loved it-as always. My last book by him unless I want to read "The Notebook" and "Walk to Remember" even though I've seen the movie. Now, I have to find something else to read...
I think my love for reading really started with my mom. My mom used to read to us and encourage us to read a lot versus watching TV. My mom wouldn't let us watch TV after 9pm and so it forced us to read the books that we wanted to so that we wouldn't get bored. My sister/I read "Babysitters Club", "Sweet Valley Twins", and then when we were older, one of our family friends gave us a whole box of "Sweet Valley High" and we thought we were hot stuff because we were now older/wiser to read it. At one point, my sister/I even made a library complete with a check-out system and were pretty strict about it. Yes, I guess we were reading nerds to a point...haha.
Now, that I'm older, I read when I'm on vacation. I'm a big fan of "chic lit" and read it constantly-- Sex and the City type books, Bridget Jones's Diary type books. No, I don't read anything serious(unless you count some Oprah's Book Club books) because then it takes the 'fun' out of reading. Yes, its awkward when I tell people I read, and then they ask what- and then I reply "Chic Lit" but hey, at least I'm reading right? That's the important thing.
Ok- it's getting late and I need to rest to give out some more finals for the kiddies. Hope everyone had a good Tuesday!
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