Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I don't have many days that I'm bored. In fact, I don't even remember the last day that I was. I usually have a ton of things to do- or want to do- so I either a) do them, b) look it up and think, I'll do it later(this would be called procrastination). Today, after doing pretty much all the immediate stuff(fixing finals, doing some prep work for January(yes, I'm that ahead)), I'm now looking at deadlines that are in two weeks or either in January(so no real rush). Therefore, now boredom sets in. 

Most people would turn on a TV. Um, don't have that. I have my internet but that gets old after a while. I have my Kindle, but knowing me, once I start a book, its really hard for me to stop which means a late night(and I need to sleep). I could watch a movie- my collection of oh 10 DVDs, if that, is getting old. So, all these options- I basically neg. All the other options- a) getting out of the house and spending money or b) being somewhat productive. 

So what do I do? I decide to go to my mailbox and see what I have(desperate times call for desperate measures)- and sure enough, my 1st "Good Housekeeping" magazine arrives. Why do I have that you ask? Well, I actually got it for $5 for a special deal--ALL year....so I couldn't resist, right? All the recipies in there and advice for a good christmas holiday ALMOST made me jump up towards the mall, but lazyness kicked in and that was negged also. 

So now I'm blogging. Only 2 hours till I go to bed. Maybe I'll call it a night early. Or maybe sooth my grumbling stomach with a juicy turkey burger. Yum. All right, me out. Hope everyone had a productive Tuesday! 

P.S. If you're bored like I am, here is something my brother sent me from abroad and a classic Indian song that my siblings/I grew up with! 

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