Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My New Love- Fancast.com

So I haven't blogged in forever... reason being is that my life right now is really boring. There are only three things going on in my life- School(work), Masters, and Lip Sync. Just mix those up again and again- that sums up 90% of my time. Of course, I try to get some food and some sleep in there- but other than that- thats it. Pretty boring.

Today, we had our first lip sync dress rehearsal. It was fun seeing everyone in their costumes and my mom(the savior) shipped not one, but TWO turbans, for our two punjabi guys in our lip sync. They fit well and it looks like my job is done as wardrobe girl is done. WHOO HOO. I know the dance pretty well and can now do it in my sleep. I think i'm just getting nervous because this year I KNOW what i'm getting into(hi, 1500 kids screaming) and what it entails. Last year, no idea. This year, pretty good idea. The kids that have seen/snuck a peek at it think it looks awesome so we're stoked that we're already getting some nods of approval. I'm going to be by the junior section and of course, i have a TON of juniors in my classes from this year and last. It'll be interesting.

Another thing I stumbled upon last night was Fancast.com. Can I say SOOO much better than Hulu??? It's actually a partner site with hulu and has A LOT more full episodes of things so now I'm like a kid in a candy store. For a girl that doesn't have TV/cable, oh yes, this is a dream.

Other than that, just looking forward to lip sync to be done and over with. Hopefully, next week I get my lunches, preps, and after schools back and can lead a 'normal' life that I know of. Hope everyone had a good tuesday!! :)

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