Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm Officially Tenured!!

I had a meeting with my principal today and I'm officially tenured!!! For those that don't know, for any teacher, it may be 2-3 years at a school- and then a teacher (1) doesn't have to get observed every year(multiple times), (2) usually they can't fire you unless you do something REALLY stupid... So I guess I passed my two years and today, I'm officially off the case. I wasn't worried about my job per se- more about the observations. I HATE being observed. I get really nervous and I feel like judgement of who I am as a teacher is coming down on me. Yes, its supposed to be good for you- but yea, NOT my gig. So I'm stoked I don't have to worry about that anymore.

As for today, it was a weird schedule again at EC. My juniors and seniors didn't have to show up until 9:45am and they still were 10 minutes late. When the bell rang, I literally had 6 students in my class of 35. WTF... i was pissed. A lot of them went to go get Dennys or didn't pay attention to the real time when they were supposed to be there. Oh well- made for interesting times. I also brought my high school collage to my class- one of my students asked to see my prom picture since Junior Prom is coming up- so I brought some pics/collage of my friends/family friends/etc... my kids enjoyed seeing me so young- with braces- and the styles of 96... bringing it back in the day...

As for everything else- my life has become work- lipsync- masters- work... nothing much besides that. kinda sad but oh well- lip sync will be over next week and i think a lot of my life will be back. i think i got the dance down- its a matter of all of us practicing all at once... it should be interesting.

Ok, me out- gotta get some caffeine in me or I'm going to fall asleep! :)

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