I know- how random am I? Well, lately, because I'm leaving for spring break in about a week, I'm trying to get all my food in my fridge that needs to be eaten- eaten. So, in the beginning of the month, i made a big costco run and I still have a ton of food that is still sitting in my fridge. I have a big tub of turkey, a good loaf and a half of bread, about 20 eggs, hummus and carrots. And oh yea, about 20 apples. I started late on the apples and now am having a hard time eating them... blah.
So my co-worker and I are working on the hummus and carrots first- I have a big tub of it and a LOT of carrots- it has literally taken us 3 days of both eating it to really finish one bowl of it. crazy, huh? i love it- its really good for you- lots of protein and i really like the flavor. I showed one of my students and he was disgusted and didn't know what it was. oh well- i tried.
as for my other food, i need to get it into my tummy, share, or freeze it by next thursday. I'm trying to eat at home as much as possible but seeing that I'm leaving for the weekend, that takes a good 2-3 days out of the process. Oh well, at least bread is freezable and turkey too(???).... I might have to take it home so that it doesn't go to complete waste...
Nothing much going on in my life. Just working- trying to get things done before I leave and I have a lot to do. My masters class this quarter is taking more time than last time- but I'm enjoying it more so it's not as bad mentally. I'm in a rut and I know that spring break will help me get out of it- its just a matter of getting there- so countdown has started....
ok, hope everyone had a good wednesday! :)
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