Saturday, February 21, 2009

Work Weekends Suck..

So like I said, I had a lot of work to do this weekend and guess what i did?? WORK. Not even for work- this is all masters work. It's pretty much finals week so I had to do a good 20+ problems and figure out how to write-up a cow dissection. Good times. I'm not used to being at home on the weekends. It's a little odd. The next couple of weekends I won't be at home, so I guess I should appreciate being home for now. Tomorrow even brings more work- this time school. Quizzes to grade, planning to do... the list goes on. I'm usually caught up on stuff- having 'bliss' weekends- but little things have crept up on me and now I have to finish them all before they get into an unmanageable mess...

Now, I'm watching and just trying to enjoy my saturday night. Blockbuster denied me because their system was down and they weren't accepting any cards- only cash. That's a big NO-NO in my book- I didn't even bother going to the ATM- wasn't worth it. Oh well- we'll see. I'm broke also- too much spending this month on laptops, personal maintainence, snowboard jackets, and snowboarding. All these added up and now, i'm looking at $50 dollars left to spend till Friday. Usually, I have PLENTY left by the end of the month, but this has made me super cheap and eating stuff at home all the time. I'll be aok- I have savings if things get into emergency mode. I'm just all about staying on budget and trying not to spend beyond my limit. We'll see how I do...

Ok, back to my random movie- "falling in love" with robert deniro and meryl streep(totally 80s movie)...hope everyone is having a more enjoyable weekend...

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