Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winning and Losing...

Everyone loves to win- no one likes to lose. It's about how competitive you are and how much you care to win. I try not to be competitive but when I find that winning is close at hand(aka I'm near 1st place), I want to win and will feign that I do. I'll make it out to seem that I don't want to, but in the heart of hearts, I do.

Like I said yesterday, I felt like a winner...I educated my students and felt really good about it. Today, in 2nd period, covalent bonding stumped me and then I felt like a total loser because I couldn't explain it right. My students were really nice about me not knowing how to explain it- but I felt like an idiot/loser. Of course, I retaught myself how to do by the time I had to teach it again, but for that brief 10-15 minutes, I felt like, whoa, maybe I don't know what I'm doing and I'm a big phat loser teacher. Whenever I feel that way, I always try to remember it because I know that students feel it all the time when they don't understand a concept. It's hard for me to do on various occasions, but I try my best.

In sports, since I played tennis(like every Indian)...I didn't make a big deal out of winning or losing because I knew that there were people wayyy better than me and I was never going to reach their level- so I kinda gave up. Bowling- yes, a real sport- I won a competition when I was in middle school and thought I was hot stuff. I even beat my then rival(now best friend) and was damn proud of myself. Boys get really competitive sometimes. I've seen guys go at it and raz each other just to get a rise out of each other. Bets take place, dares take place, the whole nine yards. Girls, not so much. Some do- but not often. So maybe I fit the girl stereotype- not being too competitive but liking to win when its attainable.

In other 'winner' news, my high school just won a local radio station's contest of having the most spirited school. We all had to log into the site/sign up- and get the most entries in- which we did apparently. So now, Flo Rida(who sings the 'apple bottom jeans song' and 'hands in the air song') is coming to the school- whoo hoo. More exciting for the kids but more an honor all the way along. Here's the link of our congrats...

Anyways, I'm off to Fresburg tomorrow afternoon...whoo hoo. Thanks for still tuning in and reading- the latest blog posts have really been boring. I apologize- hopefully, I'll have a life soon enough! Hope everyone had a good winner Wednesday!

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