Saturday, May 23, 2009

I've Gone to the Dark Side...

Ok, after YEARS of people harassing me about joining Facebook... I am now on it. Now, i need to add friends like crazy apparently. I'm in the loop now... haha. Why did I change my mind? well, lately, i've been getting more and more harassed and it was getting to me. Also, just today, I heard of two people that I thought that would NEVER have lunch together and then through facebook, they actually sat together and had a meal because of their hookup through Facebook. SOO, that was my final straw and figured- hey, why not? i hope people are happy now. I figure I'll get to watch people now...

as for me, its been a busy week... my masters class had me write a 10 page paper that I procrastinated on till the last day. Yes, I had 10 weeks to write it and I waited to the Thursday before it was due. Worked for 7-8 hours straight and was done. I only needed a 5 out of 100 to get an A out of my class so it made it doubly tough to get started. I got it done so I'm happy to be done...

I'm in fresno- its nice to be back. It's really hot here which is a very nice change from the gloom of the bay. Today, I got to eat lunch with one of my family friends that I don't see a lot and it was just awesome to catch up and get new perspective on things. I'm honestly really blessed to have soo many family friends that do care about me even though we don't get to talk/see each other very much. Afterwards, I tried to go to Old Navy for their $1 flip-flop sale- um, yea 3pm it was ALL sold out- wtf... then went to Target- one of my fav places... I can stay in there forever and be the happiest little camper...

Now what to do with the rest of my weekend... who knows?? I'm thinking about wine tasting tomorrow... i'm thinking of doing nothing...haha...

I only have 4 more days of teaching then finals- wtf... then in two weeks i'm off to PERU!?!?!! crazy times... Ok, hope everyone is doing well and apologies for being out of it lately... catch me on facebook now :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures...

So, tonight, I was cooking up my standard turkey burger and then I realized that I didn't have any hamburger buns. Now, in this situation, do you go to the store and get buns or do you say F-it or do you just trash the cooked burger? I was too lazy and thought- ok, I'll just do the atkins thing- just eat the burger. Then I was grossed out by this and then decided, ok- on to wheat bread.

Wheat bread- oh yes, has mold on it... greatttt... so now I'm down to crackers or scrap the whole project and try something new? So, I made mini-sliders with crackers- with ketchup and mustard as sauce- not bad... but something not to try again thats for sure. I figured they would be kinda like nachos... right?

Yes, most people would be like, hey you might want to go grocery shopping... but seeing that I'm only going to be here for 8 more days- if that- till July- I figure I should do whatever I can to not buy food that is going to rot. Just thought I would share...(i know random story...)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Laziness is Contagious

I've been on a streak of procrastination. This weekend was filled of major procrastination and being alone for the most part. Even though I had multiple plans in my head, I wanted to spend my last full weekend here in the bay till July doing nothing. It was even sunny outside and all I wanted to do was stay inside- be alone- and watch my House episodes. Pretty pathetic- but I think I just wanted to be alone and just rest. It was good and I needed it. My masters class is ending soon- just have a 10 page essay due on Friday and I haven't started it yet. SOO college- but I'll get it done. I only have 9 more days with my students so I'm trying to enjoy them as much as possible. It's crazy that the year is almost done and I'm almost to a plane to Peru- whoo hoo...

as for other news- i've been busy with meetings, dance shows, assemblies, and just getting everything going for the end of the year. it's been a good time for the most part and kept me not thinking about other stuff that is going on. apologies for not writing- may does this to me... i always am busiest this time of year and I've learned that it's important for me to take some time off and just relax. It's been good to be lazy and laziness is contagious.

Ok, hope everyone is doing well... I know I haven't kept on this- nothing exciting for me to write about...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Senior Ball, Sunshine, and Signs

So this week has been filled with a lot of drama but in the midst of it, I've had a really good time as well. When things get rough, have fun to get your mind off things. I've been working really hard also but I've been enjoying the sun that has basked the bay area lately.

My seniors had senior ball on saturday night and last year, i didn't go and regretted it. I decided to go this year because I know a LOT of seniors and never had been. It was also an excuse to dress up and curl my hair. I went to the mall on Friday and got hot pink shoes to match my dress- how random- i know- but it was a lot of fun looking for such a random pair of heels. My co-worker and I went to dinner and then went to Senior Ball. At my high school, we combined both juniors and seniors but at this school, there are separate ones for each. I had an awesome prom and it was really fun to see my students all dressed up and really excited to be there. I was an instant mini-celebrity- where kids want to take pics with you, you get a lot of hugs, and a lot of introductions to dates. We also got to take professional pics... we were only there for an hour- but it was a blast just reminescing and seeing my students so happy and grown up looking.

I also got to go to Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz this weekend- it was soo relaxing not having too much work to do since I worked all week and didn't have much to do. The sun was shining and I got to go on a mini-hike, go wine tasting, and visit a friend in the process. It was just one of those weekends that I would love to repeat week after week but with my schedule, it doesn't happen for a long time.

Another thing that happened to me was I saw someone's car that I knew- not a big deal right? well, I haven't talked to them in a while and I freaked out. It ended up not being their car(the interior was different)- but same color car, same license plate, same car- you would freak out too. It was crazy... but it was a sign that I need to be grateful for what i have...

ok, hope everyone is doing well...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

If you haven't seen this- this is a riot!! It's the continuation of 'dick in a box' but dedicated to Mom's. On a serious note, to all the mom's out there, you inspire me everyday especially mine who will always be special in my heart. I'll write more later...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Why I love my job...

A grand 'ol time...

So yes, I'm back from sunny san diego. It was an awesome weekend filled with sunshine and just seeing friends that I haven't seen in forever. The weather called for rain and I was really scared for my friend who was getting married- but it turned out to just be overcast. This was my smallest wedding that I have attended so far- just 50 people. So intimate and just awesome... I love small weddings because everyone there means something to the bride or the groom and just isn't there because of obligation. I got to see a lot of my old UCSD folks and it was just awesome to be together again and laugh at old times. The wine was definitely pouring and I was happy to wear my sundress that I just bought. All in all, an awesome time.

The other thing that I got exposed to was anime. I've never watched anime and I always thought that it was a little out there and not my scene. Turns out- don't knock it till you've watched it. I was actually surprised that I kinda liked it and was entranced by the artistry and just the plot line in general. It was different and I like being exposed to different things and getting to know what that reality is all about. I also got to watch a movie that I would have NEVER picked in the video store- "Tranporter 3"- such a boy movie and I liked it a lot. I'm learning that I need to give 'boy' movies more of a chance. My brother has been instrumental in doing this for me- but maybe I just need a boyfriend to do it more for me soon- who knows?

The last thing I learned this weekend- I need to join Facebook. I'm seriously the ONLY one that isn't on there and I got a LOT of harrasment(including an email) telling me to join. My friends at UCSD were like- wtf- why aren't you on there? I get a lot of this and I might actually cave this time around... I'll let you know...

Ok, me out. Hope everyone had a good weekend....